Gun Manager only working once

Hello, everyone. I am working on a gun manager script (similar to the one in the bootcamp demo, but not exactly the same), but it only checks if I press the key once, so I can only change guns once.

My code looks like this :

var guns : GameObject[];
var startGun : int;

private var gunInt : int;

function Awake()
    for(var i = 0; i < guns.length; i++)
        guns*.active = false;*
 *gunInt = 0;*
 *guns[startGun].active = true;*
*function FixedUpdate ()* 
 *for(var i = 0; i < guns.length; i++)*
_*function ChangeToGun(newGun : int)*_
 _*for(var i = 0; i < guns.length; i++)*_
 <em>_guns*.active = false;*_</em>
 <em>_*guns[newGun].active = true;*_</em>
 <em>_*gunInt = newGun;*_</em>

Sorry, answered.